- 40 Gardening Tips to Maximize Your Harvest: I included this article from Mother Earth News mainly because I want to be able to find it again at another time but if you are reading this because, you too, are learning to garden, it should prove helpful to you as well!
LSU Ag Center: I refer to the LSU Ag Center a lot specifically on timing and type for veggie planting for South Louisiana. I even have the book pictured at the top of this post on order to help me a little more.
Chiot's Run Blog : An organic vegetable gardener living in N. Ohio sharing her experiences with helpful information and funny anecdotes. She responds back to emailed questions, too!
Cold Antler Farm Blog: I started reading Jenna's blog about one year ago. It is about her attempt to start, what is now a full blown farm, with little experience or resources. Jenna takes on much, much more than vegetable gardening (she now raises sheep, rabbits, goats, bees, etc.). The honesty in her experiences is portrayed so wonderfully that you feel as though you are there helping her along the way. Her blog is a place where she gives you the good, bad, and ugly of her learning experiences which is why I follow it daily! This little lamb, Ashe, was born on Cold Antler Farm a few days ago.
PRETTY SMART GIRL blog: Erica, an acquaintance of mine, has this wonderful artisty blog that really has nothing to do with veggie growing! The post are mostly about her life including recipes, quotes, renewal exercises, DIY projects and a multitude of other interesting experiences.
Finally, I have to mention my mother- in- law who grows her own garden and has given me much advice, support, and vegetables from her garden (YUM!). Unfortunately, for you, she is not on the world wide web (she doesn't even have a computer anymore), but she is a go- to resource for me with my beginner attempts at gardening.
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